Indian Village United Pentecostal Church is a diversified ministering body founded upon the Word of God. As such we shall believe, teach, and apply the Apostles' doctrine; share the Gospel of Jesus with genuine love, mercy and compassion within our community; minister help and healing to the hurting in the Church Body and the community, and provide a climate of worship for fellowship and spiritual growth that teaches and maintains traditional family values.
Our mission includes making disciples of Jesus Christ by following the New Testament Plan of Salvation as outlined in Acts 2:38-39,
"Then Peter said unto them, (1) Repent, and (2) be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and (3) ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call.”
Step One: Repentance
Jesus died and so must we by repentance. Have faith in Jesus Christ as your Savior and repent. Believe Jesus Christ is Lord and died for you. Be sorry for your sins and recognize your need of the Savior in Acts 3:19. Determine to turn from sin and give your life completely to Him.
Not to be confused with: Salvation itself. Believing is necessary and leads to the other steps. Acts 8:12-17 and Acts 11:14-18
Step Two: Baptism
Jesus was buried and so must we by baptism. Be baptized by immersion in the name of Jesus Christ. Be buried with him by total immersion in water. Have the saving name of Jesus Christ pronounced over you as in Acts 22:16. Obtain remission of sins in baptism through obedience and faith in His name. Not to be confused with: Repeating the titles “Father, Son, Holy Ghost” and sprinkling or pouring. Acts 8:35-38 and Acts 19:1-6
Step Three: Holy Ghost
Jesus rose and so must we by receiving the Holy Ghost. Receive the Holy Ghost baptism evidenced by tongues. Meet the conditions of repentance, faith and obedience. Believe God has promised it and that you can receive it as in Acts 2:4. Know that tongues is the initial evidence of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Not to be confused with: Tongues as a prayer language or one of the optional gifts of the Spirit. John 7:38-39 and Acts 10:44-48
Our Mission, acts 2:38